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Day Sail

Day Sail Gosport to Gosport

Event image
Start date
05/09/2020 12:00
End date
06/09/2020 12:00
Departure port
Arrival port
Stewart Henton
Stewart Henton
07766 706000
Open to
Places remaining

RYA guidance mentions people from two families (two bubbles) socialising together being permissible, so Peter and Julie White are to join Petra and me for a weekend sailing out of Gosport.

This event is now full and posted for information only.


Risk Assessment for day sail 5th September on Brighton Belle sailing out of Gosport Premier marina.

This risk assessment applies Covid19 transmission only to comply with

The latest regulation (Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No. 3) Regulations 2020; S.I. 2020/684)

 Brighton Belle will be sailed in a sensible and professional manner to sofar as is possible eliminate other risks inherent in sailing.

The proposal is to sail Brighton Belle with 4 people aboard.

The proposed crew will be two couples from two families (bubbles).

The risk being considered here is the transfer of Covid19 from one family to the the other.

To reduce this risk:

Participants will be asked to confirm the absence of symptoms before boarding the boat.

Participants will be temperature checked before boarding the boat.

Participants will wash hands regularly.

The majority of time will be spent on deck and therefore in a very well ventilated space.

Ventilation inside the boat will be maximised, even if this is less than comfortable.

Surfaces will be wiped with disinfectant at regular intervals.

Cups etc will not be shared.

These pairs will occupy separate well ventilated cabins and toilet facilities will not be shared between bubbles.

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