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Brighton to Holland Adventure

Event image
Start date
19/04/2019 12:00
End date
27/04/2019 12:00
Departure port
Arrival port
Stewart Henton
Petra Kopp
07960 376803
Open to
Places remaining

After a long maintenance period I am sure we will all be keen to get BB out and cruising once again. To start this years adventures I would like to make another trip to Holland as the previous one was so enjoyable.

We'll get BB ready and provisioned on Good Friday afternoon / evening, ready to leave around 9am on Saturday morning. Depending on wind / weather, we'll either head east along the Sussex and Kent coasts before crossing over to 'the continent', or we'll cross over to Boulogne and then head East along the coasts of France and Belgium to Holland. 

Our plan for the week is pretty open at the moment. We aim to explore the Dutch coastline and inland waterways, going with the flow of the wind and weather. We are hoping to potter along some of the Dutch canals, joining the yacht 'convoys' to catch the timed bridge openings that make it possible for boats to travel along these passages efficiently. We are looking at visiting Rotterdam and also (from Scheveningen) The Hague, with its wonderful 360 degree painting, the Mesdag Panorama. 

An added incentive is to meet up with Brussels International Sailing Club, as one of its members sailed on Brighton Belle from Orkney to the Faroes last year and has been singing the praises of exploring the Netherlands. Our overall plan is to take it easy and enjoy a chilled few days in the land of tulips and windmills!

We will leave BB on Saturday 27th April and take a train to Amsterdam airport to take advantage of the numerous cheap flights back to Gatwick.

We hope you will join us in our adventure.

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