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Brighton to London

Event image
Start date
10/06/2016 12:00
End date
12/06/2016 12:00
Departure port
Arrival port
Stewart Henton
Stewart Henton
07766 706000
Open to
Places remaining

Brighton Belle will leave Brighton Marina early on Friday morning and turn left heading for Ramsgate where will spend the night and visit this interesting old port the next morning. Saturday will be a gentle start leaving Ramsgate after lunch, rounding the headland of North Foreland and sailing into the Thames estuary. We will make our way along  Sunday will be along the southern side of the estuary and turn into the river Medway at Sheerness. We shall drop anchor in one of the desolate mud creeks which should give us a very atmospheric evening onboard.

Sunday will be a facinating day exploring as we move with the tide into the river Thames, through the industrial landscape, past so many famous landmarks to eventually arrive at Tower Bridge and St.Katherines Dock in the heart of London by 1930 hrs.

A little time to clean up the boat and pack our gear and onto public transport for home. Brighton Belle will be staying in St.Katherines Dock marina so you may stay on board that evening if you wish. 

I am sure this will be a popular event so book early. Members get  preference.

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